Board of Directors

Les Dewey, Chair
- Board member since 2006
- Serves as Chair on the Skyline Health Board of Commissioners and on the Planning Committee
- White Salmon resident since 1999, Gorge resident since 1977
- Education: University of Oregon, Bachelor of Arts, Personnel and Industrial Management
- Career: Retired after 30 years in the human resources field
- Service: Current member of the White Salmon Lions Club and past volunteer firefighter with Fire District #3

Ricky Knowles, Vice Chair
- Board member since 2019
- Serves as the Vice-Chair on the Skyline Health Board of Commissioners Finance Committee
- Skyline Foundation board member 2015-2019
- White Salmon resident, born and raised
- Education: U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Bachelor of Science in Aerospace Engineering, Master of Science in Project Management and Master of Business Administration
- Career: Vice President of Business Operations & Quality for Insitu
- Service: United States Navy, 10 years

Paul Pennington, M.D., Secretary
- Board member since 2018
- Serves as Secretary of the Skyline Health Board of Commissioners and on the Quality Improvement Committee
- White Salmon resident
- Education: University of Oregon Medical School
- Career: Retired Family Medicine physician from Klickitat Valley Health
- Career: Retired Family Medicine professor from Valley Medical Center
- Service: Bush medicine in Alaska, Master Gardener and Friends of the Library

Imelda Padilla, Commissioner
- Board member since 2023
- Klickitat County resident for over 30 years
- Education: Columbia High School, Bank Operations School – Oregon Bankers Association
- Career: Vice President Market Region Sales and Service Manager at Umpqua Bank
- Service: Co-president of Soroptimist International of Mt. Adams, past secretary for Saint Joseph’s Church Altar Society, Volunteer Judge for Columbia High School senior projects, Christmas baskets for community benefit and St. Joseph’s church

Juliet Pouillon, Commissoner
- Board member since 2016
- Serves as Chair on the Skyline Health Board of Commissioners and on the Finance Committee
- Lyle, WA, resident for 15 years
- Education: Oregon State University, Bachelor of Arts, Speech Communications
- Career: Owner and Chief Financial Officer of Domaine Pouillon Winery
- Service: Present member of the Columbia Grange #87 and past treasurer for the Lyle Community Council